The readings can be found
here (Acts 7:51-8:1; Jn 6:30-35)
So here we are, going on three weeks after Easter and 7 chapters into the life of the Church, and we already have a gruesome, yet beautiful, death. Welcome to Christianity. Prepare to die.
READING 1 Context, Summary
Stephen was "a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit", "full of grace and power". He took care of widows so the Apostles could focus on more heavenly things like prayer and preaching. When he started performing great signs and wonders, the old school Jews got upset, rounded up some false witnesses and had him arrested for blasphemy. Sounds familiar...
When questioned, Stephen responds with a long speech about Abraham and Moses, God's promises and the many and various ways the Jewish people tended to poop on those promises. Bottom line, they [Jews specifically, all of humanity generally, you and me included] are constantly screwing up and ignoring God, trying to do things their own way. As he says at the end of the speech and the beginning of today's reading,
"You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit, As your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did not your fathers persecute? And they killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered, you who received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it"
I'm detecting a pattern here...
And hearing this, the men who falsely accused him realized the error of their ways, repented, and let him g-- no wait, they just got super angry and stoned Stephen to death. During this torture, Stephen saw the glory of heaven that awaited him, and in the light of Christ's gaze begged forgiveness for his murderers. Again, very familiar...
Oh and btw, Saul was totally cool with all this.
READING 2 Context, Summary
Earlier in this chapter is a multiplication of loaves miracle, wherein Jesus feeds the multitudes, then they go looking for Him later and he says, hey, you're only looking for me because I filled your belly. Don't be ruled by your belly, worry about your soul.
In today's reading, these people, who just the day before ate miracle bread, and were just now told to not worry about bread for your belly, are asking for a sign [you know, in addition to that one we all saw yesterday] and more bread. It's the sort of thing Moses did, so if Jesus is anybody he should do it too.
So Jesus said to them,“Amen, amen, I say to you,it was not Moses who gave the bread from heaven;my Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heavenand gives life to the world.”
And when they ask for
that bread, he says
“I am the bread of life;
whoever comes to me will never hunger,and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”
This week's readings don't go into their reaction to this Bread of Life stuff, but it isn't good. They basically
say 'who the crap are you?" , kind of exactly like they did to Moses, the prophets, and kept doing to Jesus, Stephen...
Three things re the first reading: 1) circumcision 2) not enough to be chosen 3) martyrdom
Two things re the Gospel reading: 4) signs aren't enough 5) we all are idiots
so. 1) Stephen accuses his accusers of being uncircumcised in heart and ears. That sounds weird. But what was circumcision? A sacrifice and sign of God's covenant with man. It marked his chosen people, it was initiation into God's flock. Uncircumcised in heart and ears would be a lack of what these signs point to- a voluntary self exile from God's people via pride and refusal to listen to the shepherd. The external stuff is important, because humans operate in the physical, external world, but alone it is meaningless. If it isn't a sign of interior reality, it may as well not be there. In fact, it's probably better for it not to be there, as that would at least be more honest...
So Stephen calls a bunch of circumcised Jews uncircumcised where it counts. He also calls them to real, interior, conversion, to escape the way of their prophet-persecuting fathers and maybe actually follow God.
2) It's not enough to be chosen. The Jews are the Chosen People and have a big fat book full of screw ups. Christians are Chosen through baptism and don't have much better of a record. You have to be ready to do chosen things- open and humbly obedient to
God's will, as opposed to pridefully enforcing your version of what His Will should be.
3) Stephen, as the first martyr, is a particularly good witness [greek: martyr] of what we should all be doing with our Christian lives. Things to learn from Stephen Protomartyr's example:
you have to be ready and willing to:
serve poor widows so other people can do more glamorous things
call people out as needed
take a stoning
forgive jerks who stone you
RE the Gospel:
Why this reading to go along with Stephen's martyrdom? Because it also clarifies and sharpens the truth of the Old Testament in the light of the New. The Jews were familiar with the bread from heaven in the desert, thus they could recognize Christ as the True Bread from Heaven, if they have ears for hearing, eyes for hearing, a heart for understanding. This brings us to point 4) signs aren't enough. These people are still digesting the Jesus' miracle bread, just found him miraculously across the lake apparently without a boat and super fast, and yet they still ask to see something
more. The signs in themselves are not enough unless you are open to what they may point you toward. Much like in human relationships, (and the Catholic religion is ultimately just a loving relationship with God) you could have a closed heart and ignore all signs of love and friendship, always demanding more and more 'proof'. Which would be idiotic, but, last point on these readings 5) we are all idiots. We keep doing the same thing over and over again, ignoring prophets, setting up our silly selves as ultimate judge of everything, forgetting signs almost as soon as they happen. Luckily, Jesus is THe Good Shepherd, so he's used to moronic sheep and loves us anyway. He never stops giving us the grace to be like Him, like Stephen.